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- Dijon (France)
Stabat Mater written by Dominique Vellard and the repertoire sung by the Brotherhood Rosarieros in Híjar (Teruel). Program for 5 voices and instruments.
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- Perpignan (France)
With this program Vox Suavis will perform the Stabat Mater composed by Dominique Vellard and the Tradition of the Rosarieros from Híjar (Teruel, Spain), at the Festival International de Musique Sacré de Perpignan.Concert with Vox Suavis at the International Festival of Sacred music in Perpignan, with the program Via Crucis.
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- Dorfkirche Kleinhünningen, Switzerland
Toledo. XIII century: Music for the King Alphons X the wise.
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Residence de Cantaderas in the Auditorium of Pigna, Corsica. With the program Devota Fecunditas.
Cantaderas were groups of women who were paid to sing and dance during the Middle Ages in Spain. Today they are 4 women: singers and percussionists, who perform medieval and traditional spanish music.
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- Ipiés (Spain)
Aquelarre is the title of the program which the ensemble Cantaderas will offer. Cantaderas were groups of women who were paid to sing and dance during the Middle Ages in Spain. Today they are 4 women: singers and percussionists, who perform medieval and traditional spanish music.
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- Simiane la Rotonde (France)
Toledo. XIII century: Music for the King Alphons X the wise.
Vox Suavis dare to go a bit farther than what we already know, nourishing the interpretation of the Cantigas de St. María with archaic musical remains from the aural tradition. These traditional pieces cannot be dated but they show a close melodic, formal, metric and thematic relation with the Cantigas.
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- Basel (Switzerland). Sonntags Matineen
Devota Fecunditas. Women's Music since de Middle Ages in Spain. In Merian Stiftung Sontags Matinees.
Concert Devota Fecunditas. With the ensemble Cantaderas at the Festival Uckermärkische Musikwochen
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- Basel (Switzerland)
"Merk auf mein Herz" von Johann Rudolf Ahle (1625-1673)
"Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her" von Andreas Hammerschmidt (1612-1675)